Bridgewater & DCS Open Show (24-03-2024)

First Place in Puppy, Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)

Show Critique:

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge several breeds at their well-run open show. Also thank you to my stewards for organising the rings so smoothly. My thanks also go to those who entered under me on the day.

Placing Critique:

11 month old puppy who stood alone but was a worthy winner. Shown in new jacket just coming through she held a balanced outline. Head was in proportion with neat ears, dark eye and correct bite. Well placed shoulders flowed into a correct lay back of rib she was easily spanned. She held a level topline both standing and on the move with a well set on tail. She moved with drive from well angulated hind quarters however, is still a little loose in front but she has time on her side.